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CMS-1500 Professional |
CMS-1500 Standard |
CMS-1500 Lite |
$299.95 for Windows
$199.95 for Windows
$99.95 for Windows
"eFiling saves me time but I like that I can also print-out secondary claims whenever I need to." - JM, DC | "Being able to list and print multiple claims at once, in any order I want, makes working with them very easy." - KL, LCSW | "I do only a handful of Claims per year and this makes it a lot easier than filling-in them by hand." - FB |
Note: The new OMB-0938-1197 CMS FORM 1500 Health Insurance Claim Form must be submitted for all Federal (Medicare) insurance claims. It supercedes the obsolete HCFA 1500 Claim Form, which is no longer accepted for Medicare claims.
* Not every insurance carrier accepts
claims printed on plain paper; check before submitting plain paper claims.
** Optional Claim e-Filing feature requires
enrollment with third-party Medical Claims Clearinghouse.